Change Maker Academy has worked with:

Precision Nutrition
University of Florida
IDEA Health & Fitness Association
Madison Area Technical College
the PTDC

The Career Blueprint has one purpose:

Help you master who you are, maximize how you work, confidently select a career.

  • Build the career of your dreams.

    Through our 9-week program you'll learn the exact steps you need to select, and make the transition into, a truly meaningful career.

  • Scientifically proven system.

    We've partnered with 3 evidence-based professional assessment organizations to help you understand who you are and how you work.
    ($700+ USD value)

  • Real world and impactful.

    This course is the culmination of the courses we've taught and the data we've collected. It's innovative, hands-on, and actionable.

  • Boost your success—and your confidence.

    Knowing who you are is a prerequisite for knowing how you'll succeed. In this course, we'll teach you both and give you a roadmap to select, and craft, your perfect career.

  • Stay accountable with direct support from your coach.

    We're in your corner and we want you to succeed. We'll help you overcome your biggest challenges and roadblocks, so you can choose a career path with confidence.

  • Connect with peers across the world, elevate your success.

    You'll mimic the behavior, and level of success, of those you surround yourself with. Connect with ambitious peers through our private, online support group, and weekly live calls.

  • Learn from anywhere.

    Take the course from anywhere in the world at a time that's convenient for you.

  • 100% guaranteed.

    If your career isn't improved after taking this course, let us know and we'll give you your money back.

  • ...And have fun doing it.

    Learning doesn't have to suck. With our interactive sessions, you'll enjoy the journey and your results.

What people are saying...

Hear what health and fitness pros around the globe think of the course.

From overwhelmed to calm, clear and confident

by Mathilde Nancy Willkens

I was unsure about what path to take in the fitness industry and I was totally overwhelmed. What I loved about the Career Blueprint was that it challenged me on my own perception of myself, while at the same time being supportive, helpful and clear on which directions I might develop both professionally and personally. When I had to sit down and make a 5-year plan I saw all the puzzle pieces come together. Now, I feel more calm and confident. I know that what I'm about to do is aligned with my purpose, unique abilities and values. Knowing this is a game changer, and it gives me even more energy to start the next chapter in my life.

I am more fulfilled in my work.

by Kevin Bailey

I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my PN1 certification and I was floundering without a plan. The course leaders and peer group helped me learn more about myself, and the tools provided were like working with an expert coach. They pushed me to dig deep and find my own solutions. The Career Blueprint helped me realize that what really lights me up is teaching people to do the things they thought they couldn't, and watching them gain confidence in those new abilities. I'm not only a better coach thanks to the deeper relationships I learned to build in the Change Maker Academy, but I am also more fulfilled at my "day job" and a better partner to my amazing wife.

I have the confidence to build the career of my dreams.

by Doaa Bazan

I was struggling with my online nutrition coaching business. I felt stuck, unappreciated for my work, and I doubted my abilities. The Career Blueprint was a journey of self exploration that helped me understand my strengths, my abilities, my values, my weaknesses, and most importantly, how that fits into my career. I used to see career success from a narrow angle, but now I have a much broader perspective. As I dug into the course with the guidance of my course instructors, I explored previously unseen options that would suit my life and situation. Because of The Career Blueprint, I know that I can build the career of my dreams and truly change lives.

I'm applying my unique strengths and helping team members do the same.

by Jasmin Toegel

Before taking the course, I had no clear idea about what I'm really good at and why I'm better at certain projects and tasks than others. While I'm happy with my position, I had the feeling that I could do better if I just knew how. I committed to the 10-week program, and with the support of peers and instructors, I noticed its impact straight away. Not only was I learning, but I was also spending time reflecting on life's bigger questions. I learned a lot about who I am, how I work, how my work affects others, and what I really enjoy doing. I'm now doing more of the work that I love, better understand how to approach those I work with, and have better working relationships as a result.

I feel more connected and aligned with my authentic self.

by Nolan Billstrom

Before I discovered The Career Blueprint, I was disconnected. I never actually slowed down to figure out what I really wanted in life. Simply by doing some of the collaborative coaching sessions on our first call, I felt like I was taking steps in the right direction. The Career Blueprint connected me with incredible people who were going through similar challenges. Together, we worked to support each other in the journey of self-discovery. The course nudged me to step out of my comfort zone, get real about what I wanted in my life, and taught me how to take purposeful steps to begin manifesting that vision. Now, I feel much more at ease and way less stressed about transitioning careers. I feel a greater sense of self-trust because I know I’m moving in a direction that aligns with my values, personality traits, unique abilities, and goals. I feel more aligned with my authentic self.

I'm working for my dream company.

By Rebecca Burtney

I was suffering from Imposter Syndrome, frustrated by trying to create my business and afraid to make the leap into a new career. It felt like I was spinning my wheels, not making any progress, I knew I needed a change but I wasn't sure where to go or what to do. Because of The Career Blueprint, I gained more clarity around my decisions. Everything had changed and I gained the confidence to take the leap! I have successfully made a career transition into health and fitness doing a job I love, working for a dream company!

I gained the confidence to go after what I really want.

by Deb Hart

I didn’t know how I was going to get into the Health and Fitness Industry and where I fit in. I felt like I was going around in a big circle. The Career Blueprint was a supportive, safe place that made me dig deep, see my worth, and gave me the confidence to go after what I wanted. When I matched my personality and unique abilities with my career, I realized I was on the right track with what I wanted to do and how to make it happen.

I no longer feel alone in what I am doing and trust that I am living my purpose.

by Lisanne Thomas

I was wondering what my next move was going to be. Become an entrepreneur or an employee? I felt uncomfortable and uneasy. Rather than tolerate this feeling, I saw The Career Blueprint as an opportunity to lean in, get curious about it, and find out what I needed to move forward with confidence. After a couple of live calls I attended, I realized the power of connection and the feeling of connectedness is what I needed most to gain confidence in my strengths and abilities. I decided not to let fear get in my way of bringing forth my business into the world. Because of what I learned in The Career Blueprint, I no longer feel alone in what I am doing and trust that I am living my purpose. I know I am in integrity with being my whole authentic self.

Design your life with The Career Blueprint.

by Carol Slager

Being at an age when many of my friends are retiring, I found it necessary to re-evaluate my career goals. I have a strong sense of urgency to live into my designed purpose and still maintain flexibility. Not only did The Career Blueprint affirm that I truly am spending my waking hours in the most meaningful and enjoyable ways, but I also found clarity in realizing where I can make adjustments and continue to become the best at my craft. I highly recommend this course in any season of life!

Building a future for my family.

by CJ Gotcher

Before the Career Blueprint, I was satisfied in my professional life, but I had the lingering sense I wasn't creating the impact I wanted and was losing time with family. I've taken plenty of courses over the years, but The Career Blueprint was unique—it dug into the 'who' and 'why' of my career path rather than the 'what' and how'—and inspired me to consider completely new ideas. Just by going through and applying the exercises, I got more clarity into my mission, had crucial conversations with my teammates that helped make my current work a better fit, and got critical feedback and ideas from my family that really connected what I'm doing now to a future together we can all enjoy.

The Career Blueprint:

Everything you need to succeed in an ever-changing landscape.

Imagine how good it would feel to have confidence in your career path... to finally feel like you can reach your potential... to feel like you can do what you were meant to do, with the people you're meant to work with, in a way that brings out your best.

The data are clear: 90% of new businesses fail. It's very challenging to do what you love, and get paid for it.

But thinking about what you want to do is only a small part of what it takes to create a meaningful career. You must also...

Know your unique skills — applying them is one of the only ways to increase your chances of success.

Understand how you work — it will help you operate in a way that's more natural for you, while giving you the opportunity to gain support around your blindspots.

Know what people are willing to pay you for — testing your assumptions, and prototyping your career, is one of the best ways to ensure you're on the right path.

The Career Blueprint is the most respected program for helping health and fitness professionals find the career path that is right for them, saving precious time and money.

In nine short weeks, you'll have confidence in your skills and your career choice. And you'll have a proven methodology that will help you test your assumptions and pivot as the world changes, so you won't feel trapped or like you can't make ends meet.

No matter where you are in your career, you can find a path that you'd enjoy, you'd be great at, and you can succeed in.

What's a career course anyway?

You can think of a career course as the thing before the thing.

The number one question we're asked is: "What's a career course? Is it a business course? Is it a continuing education course?"

No, actually... it's what you do before those things.

  • It's the thing you do before you try to build a website.
  • It's the thing you do before you try to market yourself.
  • It's the thing you do before you try to maximize sales.
  • It's the thing you do before you take another certification.
  • It’s the thing you do before you quit your job and transition.

It's the thing you do to figure out the path you want to take before you spend years of your limited life trying to build a career that wasn't well suited for you.

Honestly, scrambling your way through a career, not understanding why "you just can't make it work," and feeling constant anxiety is no way to live.

Yet we see it all of the time.

The Career Blueprint is your chance to live differently. To consciously choose a path that you'll love, one that you can succeed at, and one that will be meaningful in the end.

Learn from two entrepreneurs who've done exactly what you're hoping to do.

Developed and written by John Berardi, PhD, CSCS, and Andrea Hayes, MBA, BSc, The Career Blueprint is the synthesis of everything we've learned over 40+ years of coaching and starting businesses.

PhD, CSCS, Founder

John Berardi

I’m a Canadian-American entrepreneur best known as the co-founder of Precision Nutrition, the world’s largest nutrition coaching, education, and software company.

I’m also the founder of Change Maker Academy, devoted to helping would-be change makers turn their passion for health and fitness into a powerful purpose and a wildly successful career.

And I host The Dr. John Berardi Show.

MBA, BSc., CSEP-CPT, PNL2, Partner

Andrea Hayes

An accomplished entrepreneur, I have a proven track record of building and scaling various start-ups, with a focus in the dynamic landscape of health and wellness.

I currently serve as the Managing Partner at Change Maker Academy. Together with Dr. Berardi, we are dedicated to empowering change makers by translating their zeal for health and fitness into a powerful purpose, and ultimately, into a thriving career.

In addition, I am honored to be a part of the educational sphere as a mentor at the University of Victoria.

Where else can you learn how to craft a career that you'll like and succeed at?

If you're going to embark on a career path, you want to make sure you get it right. But where should you start?

Should you go back to school?

If so, which course would you actually take?

Is there any degree program that helps people uncover their unique abilities, their purpose, and their values?

And helps folks translate them into a real career in the real world?

If so, we don't know what it is. And with over 15 years of higher education, we've been to a lot of schools.

Should you take a certification?

Maybe. Certifications are great, but most of them teach you a specific skill. Like coaching tools, marketing, or sales.

And that's not what we teach here.

This course is about you.

We're going to help you uncover which career you should use those coaching, marketing, or sales skills in.

Should you hire a coach?

You could do that. There are a lot of great coaches out there. But they'll be much more expensive and, chances are, they'll have less experience than us in this realm.

The truth is, we've done what this course outlines with hundreds of people of varying ages and levels of experience.

Plus, through our program, not only will you have support from your instructor, but you'll also have a peer group that you can connect with and test your ideas.

You can think of this course as the thing before the thing.

It's what you take before you hire a business coach. Before you hire a marketing coach. Before you hire a sales coach.

You have to figure out who you are, what you need to sell, and who to, before you start selling.

Should you learn from the internet and social media?

Tough call. There are a lot of great resources out there, and there are a lot of not-so-great resources out there. And it's very hard to tell who is actually succeeding in the health and fitness industry, and who can provide grounded advice.

Nothing addresses the three biggest challenges that we see in the health and fitness industry:

  • How to use your unique abilities and your strengths to craft a career that you'll actually love and succeed at.

  • How to pick—and approach—a career path with data-backed, personalized, information with confidence.

  • How to test your assumptions before "diving in" so you'll have the confidence that you're on the right path.

Except The Career Blueprint.

Why learn with Change Maker Academy?

We are the career resource health and fitness professionals trust. We've demonstrated repeatable success within the industry and we've helped thousands of other professionals achieve their goals. Plus, we use data (things like aptitude tests, prototyping, and experimentation), along with decades of years of industry experience, to inform our offerings.

We get how hard it is to live with existential angst.

We get how hard it is to put in a lot of effort, only to feel like you're barely treading water. We get how it feels to wonder if you're wasting your life...

Figuring out what you really want to do and what you'll succeed at isn't easy. In fact, it's one of the hardest things we, here at Change Maker Academy, have done.

Luckily, with years of experience, many failures, a lot of self-reflection, support from mentors, peers, and counsellors, and plenty of hard work, we're fortunate to:

  • Do work we love with people we love working with,
  • Create products and services that create a true impact,
  • Have more opportunities than we could ever say "yes" to, and
  • Have generated success that matches our unique abilities, our values, and our purpose.

We want to save you the a) years of effort and b) tens of thousands of dollars it took us to accumulate this information and find our path.

This course really is the culmination of everything we've learned.

Plus, we've used this material with hundreds of others, people of varying ages and levels of experience, to better align who they are with the work they do.

No matter where you are now, it's never too late — or too early — to build the career of your dreams.

Course curriculum

For a day-by-day breakdown, check out the curriculum outline below.

  • 1

    Week 1: How To Succeed In This Course

    • Day 1: Strategies To Crush This Course

    • Day 2: The 3 Mindset Skills You'll Need

    • Day 3: Building Your Career Team

    • Day 4: Identifying Your Biggest Challenge

    • Day 5: Recap And Preparation For Week 2

  • 2

    Week 2: Learning More About Yourself

    • Day 1: Discover Your Origin Story

    • Day 2: Define Your Purpose

    • Day 3: Uncover Your Unique Abilities, Part 1

    • Day 4: Tune In To Your Individual Values

    • Day 5: Recap And Preparation For Week 3

  • 3

    Week 3: Learning More About How You Work

    • Day 1: Discover Your Instinctive Strengths

    • Day 2: Understand How You Work

    • Day 3: Uncover Your Unique Abilities, Part 2

    • Day 4: Spend More Time Doing What You Do Best, Part 1

    • Day 5: Recap And Preparation For Week 4

  • 4

    Week 4: Matching Your Personality And Career

    • Day 1: Unveil Your Personality Traits

    • Day 2: Understand Your Personality Type

    • Day 3: Outline Your Workplace Habits

    • Day 4: Spend More Time Doing What You Do Best, Part 2

    • Day 5: Recap And Preparation For Week 5

  • 5

    Week 5: Cultivating A More Integrated Life

    • Day 1: Brainstorm Your Career Path

    • Day 2: Make Wise Daily Decisions

    • Day 3: Revise Your Purpose Over Time

    • Day 4: Understand Your Teaming Style

    • Day 5: Recap And Preparation For Week 6

  • 6

    Week 6: How To Make Your Current Job Better

    • Day 1: The 3 Ingredients For Cultivating Satisfying Work

    • Day 2: Increase Your Autonomy At Work

    • Day 3: Level-Up Your Relatedness At Work

    • Day 4: Where To Focus First

    • Day 5: Recap And Preparation For Week 7

  • 7

    Week 7: Crafting Career Opportunities

    • Day 1: Map Out Your Career Options

    • Day 2: Assess Your 5-Year Plans

    • Day 3: Figure Out What You Actually Want To Do

    • Day 4: Build Your Way Forward

    • Day 5: Recap And Preparation For Week 8

  • 8

    Week 8: Making The Transition Into Your Career

    • Day 1: Quit And Enhance Your Reputation

    • Day 2: Find—And Attract—An Amazing Job

    • Day 3: Make An Attention-Grabbing Resume

    • Day 4: Craft A Compelling Cover Letter

    • Day 5: Recap And Preparation For Week 9

  • 9

    Week 9: Moving Forward

    • Day 1: The Ultimate Guide To Education In Health + Fitness

    • Day 2: Establish A Community

    • Day 3: Evolve Your Career As You Evolve

    • Day 4: 11 Bonus Resources

    • Day 5: Recap And Celebration

  • 10

    Bonus Lessons

    • FAQs

    • The 3 Components Of A Calling

    • Classify Your Work View + Craft Your Own Success Criteria

    • The 4 Prerequisites You Need To Cultivate Your Calling

    • Not All Practice Makes Perfect. Do This Instead.

    • 7 Steps To Nail Your Productivity

    • How To Build A Reference List

    • The Upsides And Downsides Of Entrepreneurship

    • How To Build Your Own Health And Fitness Business

    • How To Nail A Job Interview And Land A Job

    • Advancing Your Career: The Easy Reference Guide

  • 11

    Career Workbook

    • The Career Blueprint: Questions, Prompts, and Scripts


The Career Blueprint includes a 9-week roadmap for creating a successful career, over $700 USD in aptitude tests, access to an exclusive community, live weekly calls, and direct support from your instructors.

*Limited spots available.
*First come, first served.

  • $497.00 USD

    OUR GUARANTEE: If your career isn't improved after going through this course, let us know. We'll give you your money back.

    Registration Closed


Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about the course.

  • What's a career course anyways?

    You can think of a career course as the thing before the thing.

    *It's the thing you do before you try to build a website.
    *It's the thing you do before you try to market yourself.
    *It's the thing you do before you try to maximize sales.
    *It's the thing you do before you do a certification.
    *It’s the thing you do before you quit your job and transition.

    It's the thing you do to figure out the path you want to take before you spend years of your limited life trying to build a career that wasn't well suited for you.

    Honestly, scrambling your way through a career, not understanding why "you just can't make it work," and feeling constant anxiety is no way to live.

    Yet we see it all of the time.

    The Career Blueprint is your chance to live differently. To consciously choose a path that you'll love, one that you can succeed at, and one that will be meaningful in the end.

  • What does The Career Blueprint cover, specifically?

    The Career Blueprint is our exclusive 9-week career course that'll show you how to uncover your unique skills and talents and apply them to a career path that you'll love and succeed at.

    In the course you'll be provided evidence-based aptitude tests so you can make confident, data-driven decisions about where you'll go next.

    We'll also teach you how to quickly test-drive your chosen career path so you can gather immediate feedback and find out if you're on the right path (or not).

    Plus, we're going to teach you how to gain access to some of the best people and opportunities in the world.

    In short, The Career Blueprint will help ensure you're pursuing the right career choice so you can:

    *Step into your potential,
    *Maximize your impact, and
    *Do work you love, with people you love working with.

    For more details, check out the day-to-day outline of the course curriculum above.

  • How much does it cost?

    The price of The Career Blueprint is $497 USD. This includes a 9-week roadmap to discovering a perfect career path, support through our exclusive online community, live weekly calls, direct support from your instructors, and over $700 USD of aptitude tests.

    So, basically, you're getting over $1000 USD in value for only $497 USD.

  • What is the course like?

    You can think of The Career Blueprint as a giant puzzle.

    Each day, you're going to receive a new insight—or a new puzzle piece—into who you are, how you work, and what you do best.

    You'll use this data to build your way forward, forming the bigger picture—and completing the puzzle—of what it is you're meant to do.

    Plus, you'll be given actionable steps so you know exactly what to do next. And, if you're ever unsure, you'll have the support of ambitious peers to help you take action.

    At the end of 9 short weeks, you'll know how to use your unique talents and values to establish a purpose-driven career.

  • I have a busy life. How long does The Career Blueprint take?

    We get what it's like to lead a full life and we've created this course with the busy person in mind.

    Each weekday, you'll receive a lesson that will take you approximately 20 minutes to get through, and the weekly exercises will take you an additional hour.

    So, with approximately three hours of work each week, you'll be able to move your career forward and make a meaningful change in your work and life.

    Since the course is online, you can do the lessons at a time and place that is convenient for you.

  • What kinds of decisions will you help me make?

    Some of our students are figuring out whether to open an online personal training business or open their own gym.

    Other students are trying to decide whether to offer nutritional counseling on their own or if they want to establish a collaborative partnership with other health professionals.

    Others are choosing between starting a podcast or writing a blog.

    If you're trying to decide what career path to take next, or how to evolve your current role, we can help you with that.

    While you'll be in charge of the final decision, we'll help you gather the pertinent data you'll need to distill down what the right choice is for you.

  • Who is The Career Blueprint for?

    The Career Blueprint is for anyone who's:

    *Just starting out in the industry and wants to know which direction to go to maximize their potential, or who's

    *Seasoned but feels like they haven't reached their potential and wants to know why.

    The Career Blueprint will help you work through your roadblocks and show you how to use your unique talents to create the career of your dreams.

  • What can I expect?

    The Career Blueprint is a 9-week course that will help you discover your purpose, unique abilities, and values so you can line those up with the perfect career; one that you can go "all in" with confidence.

    Once you enroll, you'll receive:

    *daily lessons, exercises, and scripts that will help you put what you learn into practice,
    *over $700 USD in aptitude tests,
    *access to an exclusive community,
    *live weekly calls,
    *direct support from your instructors.

    Not only will you have the chance to clearly define your career path, but you'll also have the opportunity to create meaningful connections with ambitious health and fitness pros around the world.

    Hundreds of our students are now great friends, many collaborate on projects together, and some have even started businesses together.

  • What does it take to pass the course?

    Unlike traditional courses, the objective of The Career Blueprint isn't to pass a test; it's to take what you learn, apply it to your life, so you can make a meaningful difference in your career.

90,000 hours...

...will you use them well?

Each of us will work for about 90,000 hours over the course of our lives.

We shudder to think of spending those 90,000 hours doing work that:

  • Doesn't use our talents,
  • Doesn't align with our values, and
  • Is pointed in a different direction than our purpose.

We're terrified of getting to the end of our career and thinking we spent those hours doing work that was largely meaningless.

And if you're afraid of getting to your retirement day, or your deathbed, and asking yourself, "What was that all for?", you've come to the right place.

Because this course is about changing that story.

It's about creating a clear path to do work that:

  • Makes the most out of your unique abilities,
  • Is in line with what matters most to you, and
  • Empowers you to fulfill your ultimate purpose.

It's about checking to make sure that the ladder that you're climbing is leaning up against the right wall before you spend years of your limited life hustling, only to find out that you didn't end up in the right place.

Figuring out what you're meant to do is one of the most important things that you could spend your time on.

And almost no one is talking about it.

Come talk about it with us.